Soul Ties and why Sex is Never Casual

Jun 02, 2024
Image of Woman Pulling on Tie around Man's Neck. Soul Ties. Sexy Couple. Sexy Blonde Woman on top of Man.

How does energy transfer during sex

In a society full of casual sex and hookups, we are giving and receiving energy without fully understanding how it affects us. Sex is never surface level, and a condom can never protect you from what I am going to share with you today. 

It is understood that not everyone will embrace the content I'm sharing, and that's okay. I'm simply sharing my truth and my message for those with whom it resonates. I am sharing this for whoever needs to know why they are hurting and suffering in today's society and modern dating culture. 

Everything in the world is energy, including humans. We are giving and receiving energy from each other all the time, but most humans are unaware they are doing this. We are unaware of so much and this is why we suffer.

When we have sex with someone, we are sharing our energy on every possible level. We are in deep. We become a part of them and they become a part of us. There isn't a condom large enough to protect us from this level of energy exchange, and for most humans all of this is happening on an unconscious level. 


Why we don't trust what we feel

Because the energy of people, places, and things affects them daily, highly sensitive people and those who become anxious in crowded places are aware they are feeling the energy of others. If this energy doesn't feel good, they feel uneasy because they can read the energy of a room. 

Unfortunately, most of us don't trust our body's signals and intuition because we don't trust ourselves due to childhood wounds and conditioning. If we spoke of feeling uncomfortable or unsure as a child, we might have been told we were being bratty, our fears had no merit, or we have too big of an imagination.

Most of us have been forced to do things since we were children that didn't feel good to us. We were taught not to listen to our body's subtle and sometimes intense signals. Sadly, most of us still are not listening to our bodies today. We ignore pain during sex. We don't wait until we are fully aroused before penetration. We force ourselves, performing and people pleasing for love until eventually we go numb.

Many of us are mostly living from our minds and whatever programs and stories are stored there. Because of this, we might talk ourselves out of doing what is best for our own good because we don't want an argument or we want to fit in, be accepted, and be loved. I have compassion for you and your stories. The pain and suffering is real when we self abandon for our desire to be safe and loved.


What Soul Ties are and How they can be affecting you every day

Soul Ties are bonds people create when they have sexual intercourse. Every person you have had sexual intercourse with has created a soul tie with you. You have exchanged energy with every one of your sexual partners. I'm sure this can sound scary for some of you, and you aren't going to want to believe this if you have had a lot of sexual partners or low frequency sexual connections. 

This happens because when you have sex with someone, you've created a deep tie or bond with this person that is very difficult to break - even if it is a one night stand.  If you have had sex with someone, they are soul tied to you. 

If you don't intentionally break these bonds, they will always be there. 


Sex is never casual

When you have sex with someone, you are connecting with this person on 4 levels:

1. Physically

2. Mentally

3. Emotionally

4. Spiritually

Because you are connecting energetically with your sexual partner at all four levels, there is nothing casual about sex.

Sex is sacred, it is a portal to the divine and our own self realization, it creates new life, and it was never meant to be casual. Sex is meant to bond us and to open us up to deeper levels of love and connection. Sex can be both fun and pleasurable in a committed relationship as well as beautiful and sacred. Your body is a temple for your soul, and it is your responsibility to be discerning about who you allow into your temple for your highest good. 


What I wish I knew when I was younger

I never fully grasped how risky it is to have sex with someone while growing up and attending a Catholic school where simply breathing seemed to be a sin.  I just thought all their rules were sucking all the joy out of life. I didn't even know what sex was or anything about my female sexuality and how it works. All I knew was that it was sinful and dangerous to have sex before I was married because I could get pregnant, a sexually transmitted disease, or slut-shamed and deemed as undesirable as a wife. There is nothing more desirable for a little Catholic girl than a big white wedding in the church, so that threat alone was enough to keep me a virgin. Besides if you've never had it before, you don't know what you are missing, and if every teen boy in school knows you won't "put out," they won't ask you out and try to push your boundaries in a dark parking lot at night. 

It took my life experiences, spiritual practices, and modern science to reveal the truth that sex is sacred, deeply powerful, and not to be taken casually because someone could get hurt and that someone could be you or someone you love. 

I'm not a prude, and I love connecting deeply with a man who is devoted to me and my well-being, and who loves me and cares about me and our relationship. I love to bond deeply, and sex allows me to bond deeply and merge with someone else, but I am going to be protective of my body and my energy. Make sure you are a full YES to everything about this person before you have sex with them. 

When you have sex with someone, parts of them are literally being downloaded into you. Whether you are a woman or a man, you are both taking in each other's energy. After you have sex with someone, notice how you feel immediately after. Do you feel energized, fulfilled, happy, calm, or loved? Or do you feel disappointed, sad, empty, upset, anxious, "off" which means not quite yourself, and does your energy level feel lower? Don't ignore how you feel. It is your body trying to tell you something, and it is probably a sign that this person you are having sex with is not good for you.  

If you have ever had sex with someone who was toxic or negative, you might have discovered that you began feeling more negative too. Maybe someone you are currently having sex with has anxious tendencies - notice if you are feeling more anxious now too. This is because they gave you some of them and you now have a new update - whether positive or negative, depending on your choice in a sexual partner. 

We have all seen those married couples or couples who have been in long term relationships who somehow now even look like each other. This is because this sexual energy exchange can have an impact on our characteristics and personality traits.


Brain Chemistry and Sex

When you are having sex with your partner, your brain chemistry is changing as you are exchanging energy. Neurochemical changes are occurring in both your brain and your partner's brain that encourage limbic emotional bonding.  Limbic bonding is the reason casual sex does not work on a mind and body level for most people.

If you decide to have sex with someone "just for the fun of it," sex is enhancing an emotional bond between you whether you and your sexual partner want it or not. We were created this way for evolutionary and spiritual purposes. 

Often, it is the woman who forms a deep bond and attachment to the man, and it will be extremely painful to her when it ends whether it is a hookup, situationship, friends with benefits, relationship, or marriage. When the casual sexual affair ends, it is usually the woman who is hurt because females have larger limbic systems. 


Why a woman might act crazy when a sexual affair ends

Women aren't crazy. They are highly emotional and intuitive, and they are now soul-tied to this man as well as carrying some of his energy - whether it is healthy or not. 

Also, she is addicted chemically in her brain to this man. This is why it is so hard for people to have a clean breakup.  They often go back and forth with each other and still have sex even though the relationship ended long ago. 

Often, men will feel more confident and have more success in life after sex and a relationship with a feminine woman who vibrates at a higher frequency.  The opposite can happen as well for either sex if they aren't discerning who they choose as a sexual partner. 

There are many people who look better and do better after a relationship ends and they are no longer with that sexual partner because that person and relationship were not healthy for them. 

It doesn't make you more powerful to have multiple partners and casual flings. It actually causes harm to both men and women.  You are more powerful when you can walk away from what is not good for you. 


No one believes it until they experience it.  It is real.  

It is very easy for other people to bring our energy and frequencies down if we don't know how to protect ourselves and our energy. In many ways, we are more vulnerable and open during sex. The more you have sex with different people - the more you are giving yourself away and the more you are receiving bits and pieces of them.

Never have sex with someone who has characteristics you do not like or do not admire.  You aren't being too picky and you aren't frigid, you are protecting your energy. If you would never wish to have these characteristics, don't have sex with this person because they will give these things to you whether you like them or not. If you don't set healthy boundaries and protect your energy, people are going to continue to take from you until you have nothing left to give. 


How do I release these soul ties? 

If you need help letting go of an ex, healing from a toxic partner, setting healthy boundaries while dating and around sex, or trusting your intuition and how you feel in your body, contact me to discover how I can help you take your power back. Consultation Call with Catherine


xoxo love, Catherine


The Love Priestess


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