The Secret to Meeting the Right Person for You

May 22, 2024
Image of Sexy Couple. Image of Woman in Red Dress with Love. Image of Passionate Lovers. The Secret to Meeting the Right Person for You

I am going to reveal to you the secret to meeting the right person for you.

It seems simple, but it is the bravest thing you will ever do as a soul in a human body. 

Most of you may have already guessed that "I have to love myself first," and this is true because you can only accept the amount of love you feel you deserve.

Some people see loving themselves as doing self-care such as massages and manicures, eating healthy, and getting enough sleep. This does show that you love yourself, but it isn't that much of a secret, and it doesn't always get you the type of partner you need and desire because it is superficial and external self-care. It simply isn't going deep enough.


The Secret to Meeting the Right Person for You

Going deep into the unknown can be both sexy and scary. It is also incredibly rewarding to know you went there and survived. Over time, it actually rewires your programming because if you do the unknown enough times, it becomes the known. This is the secret to having the love of your life and an abundance of money and success.

Some people are already wired for success in love or money, and some people are already wired for both success in love and money. Maybe their family was wealthy and their parents had a healthy secure relationship, so they were already wired for love and success. These children and adults probably had souls that took a "vacation" in this lifetime instead of challenging themselves to up level and grow more this lifetime. 

If you weren't one of these souls on "vacation" who chose parents with a healthy bank account and relationship, there is no way around it. You have to go in and you have to go deep if you want that level of love and success in this lifetime. Good news is you have all that you need to get everything you desire once you align yourself to it. 

You have to go really deep to discover what is lurking in your shadows that is sabotaging your chances at being accepted and loved fully by someone else, so that you can heal this and replace it with a new story and reality.

The secret is committing to do the brave work of healing, so that you can finally meet the right person for you. This may include inner work or shadow work. If you want even faster results, you will hire a coach to guide you on your healing journey and provide you with action steps as you move forward. 


Now that you know the secret are you ready to do the brave work?

If you are ready to do the brave work of healing so that you can finally be ready to meet the right person for you, apply for 1:1 private coaching with me. Chemistry Call with Catherine

If you are a Warrior for Love or a Goddess of Love, and you are willing to brave your dark and murky underworld for what is keeping you stuck and blocking you from the kind of love you want in your life, don't hesitate. The longer you wait to take the next step, the farther back you put yourself from having your heart's desire.

There is a reason you are reading this now. You now know the secret. No excuses. It is not anyone's fault you don't have the love life you desire but simply are not wired for it yet. You have to lean into that edge and go into the unknown of your inner world. I am holding out my hand to guide you if you are willing to accept my help.

Take action and schedule a call with me if you are ready to commit to healing your core wounds around dating, intimacy, and relationships. Consultation Call with Catherine


xoxo love, Catherine


The Love Priestess


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