Date Like a High Value Woman

Jun 04, 2024
B & W image of high value beautiful woman. Date Like a High Value Woman. Feminine Woman. Grace and Beauty.

How we embody and have standards like a high value woman.

Liberate yourself from Good Girl Programming and become more confident in yourself by having boundaries, expressing your needs, and being your authentic self.  When you set yourself free from all that isn't you, you will have more charisma and magnetism. You will be a much more attractive woman who many people will want to get to know better. 


Know who you are. Know what you want.

Don't leave any room for people to convince you otherwise. Don't settle for less than your values and what you want in a partner and a relationship. 


Embody your standards. 

Have boundaries. 

Don't over explain who you are, or your deeply held values, or your standards. Instead, Embody It. 

There are certain things we should communicate and certain things we should keep to ourselves. 

Disconnect with men who show signs of disrespect. Maybe they disrespect your time by scheduling last minute, cancelling last minute, showing up late, or not showing up at all. If they disrespect your energy, pull your energy away. No need to explain your actions, simply flow away. 


Have a Life full of Hobbies and Fun!

Staying at home relaxing and re-charging is self-care. Yoga and baking are hobbies. Often we think we are doing nothing if we aren't on a date or going out with friends. Reading and writing in your journal can be healing. Treat dating as the cherry on top of an already delicious life. Ice cream and cake is yummy on its own, but some whipped cream and a cherry on top makes is all the sweeter. Have fun dating and see if he decides to step up and prove to you that he is a desirable partner for you. If he has no intention of leading you into a relationship, flow away. There are more cherries in the bowl of life.  Remember, you don't let him eat the cake until you are both exclusive and he is ready to step up for you. In other words, if he can't add to your already delicious dessert, you aren't going to share it with him. 


If you have Relationship Trauma, do your Inner Work. 

Emotions, Hormones, and Desires can trip you up. Be discerning while dating. Don't create imaginary futures with a man you just met. Don't emotionally invest in a man before you have taken some time to get to know him and most importantly, take some time to know yourself before you get into another relationship. If you want a healthy, happy connection, wait until you have exclusivity, commitment, and an emotional connection before having sex. Casual sex is more vulnerable for women because due to their hormones, sex bonds them to a man. Evolutionally, this is to ensure survival of the species. This is why it is so important to date intentionally, have healthy boundaries around sex and dating, and know what you want.


Don't let your Desire for Love be used against you.

The fastest way to be in a relationship, is to stop focusing on someone who doesn't want the same things as you do. This also means don't let someone who isn't aligned to your needs and desire for love, seduce you into accepting less than what you desire in love and relationship. We aren't sleeping with these men, we are just dating them. We aren't having "talking phases" anymore or weeks of texting. Meet in real life as soon as possible after connecting on an app. Respect yourself and value your time. Don't let a man waste your time and block you from the man who is ready and waiting for you. The only time we are communicating with a man we are dating is to plan a date. In the early stages, this is the only type of communication we need from a man we are dating. Phone calls and text messages are for when you are committed in a relationship, but until then, there is no need for it. Don't over-invest in someone who isn't ready to invest in you. 


Communicate with Grace.

Speak about yourself highly and with more confidence. Speak as a woman who truly values her time and her energy. When you communicate in this way, you will see the difference in the way men respond to you. Men are energetic geniuses when it comes to women, and they will pick up on your energy. Men will feel into your energy and know that they can't play you and manipulate you because you value yourself. 


Step into your Authenticity.

Once you step into your authenticity, things begins to act on auto-pilot for you. You will attract what is in alignment with you, and this includes the men you date.

By following these principles, you will transform your dating life and become a high-value woman who attracts the right kind of partner for her - one who respects and cherishes you. Embrace your power, live authentically, and watch as divinely guided opportunities and people come into your life.

If you have been single for a long time or fairly new to the modern dating landscape, and would like to be held in a private coaching program that promotes self-love, healing, feminine embodiment, and conscious dating, apply for a Chemistry Call with me. Consultation Call with Catherine

I'm looking forward to sharing how I can help on your path towards true love. 


xoxo love, Catherine


The Love Priestess


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