Destiny In His Arms

Mar 12, 2025
My Soul Will Find Yours, Love Coach, Soulmates, Twin Flames, Easel, Painting, Soulmate Love, Love Poetry, Love Poem, Destiny, Catherine Josephine, Love and Intimacy Coaching, Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine, Divine Union, Sacred Sexuality

I have known him across a thousand lifetimes,

but tonight, I will know him in his arms.


The space between us has been filled with longing,

a pull neither of us could name,

a whisper in the soul, an ache in the bones,

a knowing neither of us could escape.


And now, the waiting ends.

The distance dissolves like mist in the morning light.

The dream becomes flesh, breath, touch.


💫 Yes, I am ready.


To step through this portal, hand in hand,

to let destiny meet desire,

to surrender into the gravity of us.


His energy has wrapped around me from miles away,

but soon, it will be his arms,

his warmth,

his breath against my skin like a lullaby.


I will look into his eyes and see what I have always known—

that I was never lost,

only waiting to be found by him.


And when our hands finally meet,

when our fingers entwine like constellations long separated,

we will not wonder,

we will not question,

we will simply remember.


✨ This is home.

✨ This is where I belong.

✨ This is what was always meant to be.


I will rest my head against his chest,

hear the steady rhythm of his heartbeat,

and recognize a sacred drum calling me home.


And as his strength and presence lull me into sleep,

I will dream the sweetest dreams

while being held in the sweetest dream by my sweetest love.


And when the time comes to part,

how do you let go of what feels like forever?

How do you step away from the embrace that finally made you whole?


But I will not fear the goodbye,

because love like this does not end—

it lingers in the spaces between heartbeats,

it deepens, it calls us back again and again.


💫 Yes, I am ready.


To meet him.

To hold him.

To love him.


To finally step into the moment where fate and longing

become true love.


✨ My Destiny. His Destiny. Our Destiny. ✨


💗 xoxo love Catherine



Dear Star-Crossed Lover,

You were never too much. You were never too deep. You were always meant to be fully seen, fully held, fully loved. If this speaks to your heart, and if you are ready to step into love that meets you where you are, let’s connect.

💖 Apply here Consultation Call with Catherine and discover how my guidance as your spiritual mentor and love coach can help you call in soulmate love.


Don't wait another moment to live without the warm embrace of your soulmate.


I promise you that love is within you and all around you once you can let go of all that isn't you. 💗 xoxo 


xoxo love, Catherine


The Love Priestess


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#soulmates #twinflames #lovers #loveandintimacy #truelove #lovecoach #intimacycoach #relationships #consciousdating #lovepoem #lovepoetry #CatherineJosephine #TheLovePriestess


© 2025 Catherine Josephine. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.


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