Painting Pretty Pictures Where None Exist

Aug 20, 2024
Cinderella's Pumpkin Carriage, Painting Pretty Pictures Where None Exist, The Love Priestess, Before You Say I Do, Love isn't Always a Fairytale, Love is Real, Lit up horse carriage at night

Some of us paint pretty pictures where none exist, and I am one of these artists. When you are emotionally neglected as a child you end up with a super power to see love where there is no love šŸ’”

Our wounded energies and unhealthy patterns reveal the areas where we need to heal. I wish we didn't have to get hurt and harm one another to discover what we need to be ready for love. You don’t have to be completely healed to date, be in a relationship, or get married because God designed it so that we heal our deepest wounds within our relationships. At some point, we must put down our sword, take off our armor, and trust and love someone enough to reveal our woundedness.

Romantic relationships are like Cinderella’s carriage turning into a pumpkin at midnight. Eventually, the veil is lifted, and the disowned parts of ourselves will emerge. In the Cinderella fairytale, this transformation happens after midnight; in modern dating, it typically occurs 6 to 18 months into the relationship. It is then that you can see whether you or your partner is operating out of divine love or wounded energy.

A woman in her healthy feminine energy doesn’t feel the need to challenge or oppose the mature masculine. The feminine knows she can rely on him for support because he has a plan and can be trusted to protect her. The masculine in his strength will not run from the mature feminine. He will stay with her, welcoming her intimacy and feeling safe to share his thoughts and dreams with her. If more of us were able to change our stories around men and women and tap into this reality, the level of deep love and trust we could experience would balance and heal our world.

Some of us paint pretty pictures where none exist, pretending we have romantic intimacy. Even though we may care deeply within our hearts for each other, we are repelling each other energetically. When we pretend and play as if we are our seven-year-old selves, we block one another from becoming the best versions of ourselves. We know this and yet we ignore the truth, not wanting to leave the fairy tale. Loving unconditionally means setting each other free to grow. Sometimes that looks like growing away from each other and blooming elsewhere.

This excerpt is from my newly released book, "Before You Say I Do: Transform Your Love Life From Within," available now on Amazon.

Purchase "Before You Say I Do: Transform Your Love Life From Within by Catherine Josephine




xoxo love, Catherine


The Love Priestess



Author of "Before You Say I Do: Transform Your Love Life From Within"


Book A Consultation Call With Catherine


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