The Power of Darkness

Jun 16, 2024
Image of Phantom of the Opera. Image of Couple in Darkness. The Power of Darkness. Trust and Have Faith your Soulmate will find you.


Accepting where we are in our darkness and our Winter is an integral part of this journey as we go into our Underworld to find out where our true gifts and power lies.
Why  do we wail and lament our Darkness, our Winter, the Unknown, the space in our life where we have no love, no partner?
Could it be that we don't fully trust that empty space of the unknown?
Could it be that we don’t fully trust our own power to create the love we desire, the relationships we desire, the bliss we desire?
I know I have given my power away because of my discomfort with the darkness, the unknown, the empty space of not knowing what will happen…
I gave my power away for love, comfort, safety, relationship, and security.

What If...

What would it be like if fully in our power, we trusted everything is working out for us without needing the validation of anything outside of us…
What if we plant the seeds of our intention, trusting that our desire will grow and blossom...
What if we didn’t hook up or marry the first partner that claimed us just to avoid the fear of being alone…
What if we didn’t take that job that isn’t a good fit just because we were scared of the uncertainty of not having a steady salary…
What if we didn’t get married or have a baby just because of societal pressure and the fear of if I don’t do it now, I’ll be too old and infertile and no one will want me…
The darkness can seem scary and uncomfortable.
The unknown can feel scary and uncomfortable.
It is also miserable to be stuck in a relationship, job, or situation that is chosen for us or by us because we didn’t trust and have faith in the wisdom of our darkness and the space of the unknown.
This happens when we don't give the seeds of our intention enough time to be nourished and watered and allow them to take their time to grow and blossom.
We are a part of nature and nature has seasons, so it makes sense we have seasons too.
Babies start as little seeds in the womb and they grow in darkness. The darkness, the time, the wait is necessary for their survival.
We aren’t meant to know and control everything in life. We might believe we do or keep trying, but we really have no control. We can only control how we respond.

The Myth of Persephone and Hades

In the myth of Persephone, there are some accounts that she went willingly with Hades into the Underworld. The beautiful maiden of Spring had been controlled by her mother all of her life. It would make sense she would be attracted to a bad boy who offered her some new excitement and a means to escape the control of her overprotective mother.
Sound familiar?
It sounds familiar to me. I had overprotective parents, strict schools, and I was heavily conditioned and controlled my entire young life, so a bad boy was seductive to me.
The sad part is Persephone didn’t find freedom with Hades. He controlled her as his captive in the Underworld. When she was finally allowed to emerge from the Underworld for six months and bring Spring, her mother Demeter controlled her.
Persephone didn’t work through her childhood wounds of an overprotective mother, so she repeated this pattern for eternity.
Persephone retained her vibrant maiden yet she also brought with her the wisdom of the crone as the Queen of the Underworld…the Queen of the Dead. If you look at the artwork and the pottery with her image as the Queen of the Underworld, she looks serious… like a woman who has made a choice, accepted her fate, and lost her joy.
We also have these cycles within us. We have our own seasons of Autumn, Winter, Spring, and Summer in our lives, in our relationships, and in our sex lives.
Like Persephone, we have both the darkness and the light within us. The more we try to pretend our darkness doesn’t exist, the louder it will get. This part of us wants to be seen and heard and acknowledged too. There is wisdom in our darkness.

 Are you ready to explore what is in your Darkness?

If you want to see what is in your darkness, the unknown part of you that is creating your future love life at this moment, apply for a Chemistry Call with me today. I would love to share the value of Shadow Work with you. 
There are so many ways we mislead ourselves and allow ourselves to be taken underground.
Like Persephone, when we return from the darkness we retain our playful vibrant self and also bring with us the wisdom of the Queen who is aware of what resides in her Underworld. Because of this she is able to shine even brighter after being in darkness, and when she emerges each Spring, she brings her lighter energy and abundance to everyone.
May you emerge as the powerful being that you are and shine your light for the world and for the ones you love. And may the underworld become the humble servant to your desires.
Whether you are currently in your Darkness or your Spring, you are love and you are loved.

xoxo love, Catherine


The Love Priestess


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