Why Do People Get Married?

Jun 22, 2024
Image of married couple dancing. B&W Image of bride and groom dancing at wedding reception. Why do people get married?

Why Do People Get Married? 

If you do a Google search, it will tell you that people get married for love and companionship, financial benefits, and to start a family. I want to add to this that people get married for experiences.

If you were to go deeper within, you would discover that we get married to experience ourselves through the eyes of others. 

Women need to experience themselves in the presence of their man. They need to feel the penetration of the masculine.

Men need to experience the effect they have on a woman’s experience. They need to feel the openness of the feminine. 

When our partner fully sees and accepts and loves all parts of us, we can heal parts of ourselves that have felt unloved and unaccepted since childhood. 

Men and women need this on a deep, soulful level yet we are so afraid of being seen.


Intimacy is precious because it is so rare.

Intimacy is the revelation of one’s true self and lovingly gazing upon your partner’s true self. 

Being seen can feel so good yet we are still playing hide and seek as adults. As a child, we adopt a role to keep us safe and loved, and we believe this is who we are…and over the years we lose ourselves for love. 

Are you ready to take off the mask you hide behind and experience true intimacy? 

If we desire intimacy, we must allow ourselves to be vulnerable, honest, kind, trusting, and forgiving. 

Some might say, “Can’t you have all of this without getting married?”


The Feminine's Needs

As a woman, vulnerably expressing your needs includes vulnerably expressing your need for marriage.

A woman desires to be experienced through a man yet she also fears being fully seen because what if he sees her as too much, and then she loses his love? Her desire for love wrapped in fear and negative future thinking can keep her stuck.

The truth is for a woman to get unstuck and to feel safe to fully open up with a man, she needs the container of marriage, a commitment from the masculine that will allow her that safety to fully let go in his presence. 

She needs his devotion.

She needs his direction.

She needs his presence.

She needs his provision.

She needs his protection.


Words Without Action

A man telling you that he will be with you forever without the wedding vows is deceiving you. These words without actions will never keep you safe because in reality, he can leave at any moment.

Don't let anyone ever tell you that "marriage is just a piece of paper." Marriage is more than a "piece of paper." If it is just a piece of paper, then what is holding you back from giving the woman you supposedly love what she needs to keep her feeling safe and protected? 

Marriage is a way for a woman to be sure that a man is committing to her for life.

Marriage is a sacred vow between two people.

Marriage is the first step to Divine Union. 

Without marriage, there is no incentive to stay and grow together when life gets challenging, and it is so much easier to give up and break up if you have not made a sacred promise to each other and God. 


Is your inner child running your love life?

For most of us, it is our inner children running our love life and marriage. This is why personal growth work and soul work is so important.

If you need to get a prenup to feel safe, you aren't ready for marriage. Trust is imperative for marriage. You have to be 100% in and ready for that level of trust and commitment. 

Marriage isn’t for everyone. Men and women need to realize the bond and sacredness of marriage before they say "I do."

Marriage shows to your family, your community, society, the world, and God that you are actually committed and this is for real. Marriage is walking hand in hand into the unknown and facing the future together. Marriage is for the brave hearts and souls. Marriage is for grown ups.


Why do some men fear commitment and some women choose to walk away?

Why would a man avoid marriage? He is afraid to love all of her because who she is mirrors to him what he fears in himself. She is life itself, so she will not make her desires small for men who fear her. She is aware that weak men can't hold her full expression, and one day when she becomes too much, a weak man will leave her alone, still longing for her desires to be fulfilled. But she doesn’t want a weak man.

She will walk away when he is unable to be what she needs him to be. She will flow away when she is unloved in her full beauty and unseen in her worthiness. She knows all of Heaven loves her, and she is trusting in faith as she prepares for her strong man to make his presence known. Then, when he shows up for her, they can grow in love together. 

What if the marriage falls apart? That is fear talking and fear is opposite of love. If you are still in fear, you aren’t ready for love. You could have money today and not have it tomorrow. You could be renting today and own a home tomorrow. You could be crying today and laughing tomorrow. There is no way to predict what the future will bring. You can’t control life, but you do have power in how you respond to life. 


Marriage can be both challenging and beautiful

My male client said to me this morning, “Marriage is hard.” It can be challenging and it can be beautiful. It is how you look at it. A challenge can offer you the opportunity to inspire or lead your partner. It can also offer you an opportunity to heal what is hurting within you. 

Both men and women need someone to be a witness to their life. They need to be noticed. They need someone to care about them.

Are you ready to take off the mask you hide behind and experience true intimacy?

If you want to be seen and are still struggling to share your feelings or ask for what you need (whether in romantic, friendly, business, or family relationships), I invite you to join me for a complimentary chemistry call to focus in on the next steps of what you need to have your heart’s desires.

Consultation Call with Catherine


xoxo love, Catherine


The Love Priestess


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