Why Do We Ignore Red Flags When Dating?

Oct 10, 2024
Passionate Kiss, Man Kissing Woman's Neck, The Love Priestess Love & Intimacy Coaching, In Love With Love, Red Flags When Dating, Green Flags When Dating, Passionate Kisses, Affection, Beautiful Couple, Glamorous Couple, Wealthy Couple, Old Money Couple

In the excitement of new relationships, it's common to overlook red flags that later lead to heartache. But why do we ignore them? Here are a few reasons:

  1. Hope and Optimism: When we’re in love or hopeful about a relationship, we tend to focus on the potential, believing that things will improve over time. We romanticize the future instead of paying attention to what's happening in the present.
  2. Fear of Being Alone: Sometimes, the fear of loneliness outweighs the importance of acknowledging red flags. We tell ourselves it’s better to be with someone than to be on our own.
  3. Attachment to the Idea of Love: For many, the desire to be in love or the fairytale ending they've dreamed of can cloud their judgment. They cling to the idea of the person, rather than seeing them as they truly are.
  4. Self-Worth Issues and Scarcity Beliefs: If we struggle with self-esteem, we might believe we don’t deserve better. We overlook red flags because we feel lucky to have someone or fear we can’t find anyone else.
  5. Patterns from Past Relationships: Often, unresolved trauma or childhood wounds resurface, causing us to repeat unhealthy patterns in relationships. These emotional wounds may distort our ability to recognize red flags.


How to Heal and Start Recognizing Green Flags

  1. Develop Self-Awareness: Start by examining your own emotional patterns and needs. This will help you identify why you ignore red flags and what you truly desire in a relationship.
  2. Heal Past Wounds: Healing past traumas, especially from childhood or previous relationships, allows you to break the cycle of unhealthy patterns. This opens the door to recognizing healthier dynamics—green flags—in future relationships.
  3. Practice Self-Love: Strengthening your self-worth is essential. When you value yourself, you’re more likely to set boundaries and walk away from relationships that don’t serve you.
  4. Listen to Your Intuition: Trust that gut feeling when something doesn’t feel right. If you're constantly anxious, uneasy, or second-guessing yourself, it's a sign that something may be off.
  5. Be Patient and Observe: Pay attention to consistent actions over time. Red flags often appear early on, but it’s easy to dismiss them in the excitement of dating. Taking things slowly allows you to evaluate if the person aligns with your values and desires.


💡 Green Flags to Look For:

  • Mutual respect and open communication
  • Emotional availability and vulnerability
  • Consistency in actions and words
  • Supportive and growth-oriented behavior
  • Shared values and long-term vision


🌱 Healing and growing means you won’t just avoid red flags, but you’ll start seeing the green flags that signal a healthy, lasting relationship.

If you’re ready to dive deeper into healing and attracting the right kind of love, I invite you to explore my coaching programs that focus on emotional healing, conscious dating, and relationship transformation.

Book A Consultation Call With Catherine

xoxo love, Catherine


The Love Priestess


Author of "Before You Say I Do, Transform Your Love Life From Within." 

Available on Amazon Now


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