Why do we stop feeling love for someone?

May 18, 2024
Image of seductive woman. Image of woman feeling within. Image of Blonde Woman.Falling out of love.

I believe we stop feeling love when we no longer love who we are with this person, when we no longer feel how we want to feel with this person, and when we are unable to love ourselves because we feel something is missing within us. Instead of feeling love, we feel a void, an emptiness, a lack of joy which we tend to blame on the other person, the person who we used to love.


Losing Ourselves Because of our Desire for Love

Men and women fall out of love when loving this person means we are out of integrity because we lose ourselves. We fall out of love when our partner self abandons and loses themselves, so they are no longer the person who we originally met. People often confide in me, "She/He is no longer who they were when we first met. I want that feeling and that person back. Is this possible? Can you help? Do you have the secret?" Yes, I do have the secret, but are you ready to go on this journey into your own underworld to find the answer to why you no longer feel love? 


A Match for our Core Wounds

Sadly, losing those feelings of love is what happens when we are no longer grateful or excited for one another because we neglected our love for each other for far too long through too many seasons. We can't escape ourselves even if we find someone else. Most of us are unaware that we unconsciously choose the person who is a match for our core wounds. 


Reasons a woman might blame a man for loss of love and passion

A woman will blame falling out of love on the man if she has never done her inner work and self- reflection. Women do this because without self- awareness, we are conditioned to believe that love and sexual arousal exists outside of us.  We are led to believe that only a man can give us pleasure and love. Women are rarely taught how to cultivate our own love and sexual pleasure. Instead, in many ways, we are led to believe that we need a man to feel our own aliveness. We are conditioned that without a man, we have no love and we cannot be sexual. Until our minds and hearts are opened, women believe love, sex, and orgasm exist outside of us when the truth is, love and orgasm always exist within us.


A man's tender and courageous heart

I believe in many ways that men have more tender hearts than women and this is why men often protect their hearts with so much armor. We say some men are emotionally unavailable or unable to commit until one auspicious day when they meet a woman who inspires them to give their heart to her. This is so sacred because for most men, I believe it takes a lot for them to both commit and fall out of love. Because when a man is truly in love and gives his heart and commitment to a woman, he is all in no matter what. He courageously weathers through all the emotional storms and unexpected life events. How do I know? From living life and from the men who talk with me and share their stories.


I believe men are the cherry on top of my love and sex life

For me, I believe men are the cherry on top. I already feel loved, beautiful and sexy before I meet a man. A man who loves me and lifts me up and teaches me how to be even more of a woman and brings out more of my beauty and sexuality - similar to how a juicy deep red cherry brings an exciting flavor to a bourbon whiskey or how whipped cream enhances an already tasty dessert, well, I will never stop feeling love for a man who can do that. Allowing me to be even more of me is the greatest gift that he can give to me. 


If you are ready to go deep into your own underworld to bring your Love back to Life

If you would like to talk with me and share your stories and have the courage to go deep into your own underworld to discover your answers on love and life, I'd love to hear from you. Apply for a chemistry call with me here. Consultation Call with Catherine Don't let your love wither on the vine. You have what you need to bring your Love back to Life. I believe in you! 


xoxo love, Catherine


The Love Priestess


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