With You (A Love Poem)
Feb 27, 2025
With You
Your breath feels like ambrosia on my neck.
You breathe me in as if I am air.
As if knowing me is not something you do
but something you inhale,
something that settles into your lungs,
something you could not unlearn
even if you tried.
You do not just listen—
you understand.
Not the way the world understands—
not in labels, not in assumptions,
not in impatient hands
that skim the surface and call it depth.
you understand like fingertips tracing
the fine lines of a poem written on skin,
the way a blind man reads Braille
not with his eyes,
but with his hands,
with his heart.
You know the way my silence shifts,
how a pause is not just a pause
but a plea—
And you do.
You stay where others leave.
You lean in when others turn away.
You hold when others hesitate.
You do not fear the weight of me.
You do not ask me to be lighter,
to be easier,
to be less.
You do not step back
when my love rushes forward like a wave—
you open your hands and catch it.
You catch all of me.
And that is why I love you.
Not for the words you give me,
but for the ones you never make me beg for.
For the way your presence feels like a promise
without ever needing to be spoken.
For the way you let me exist fully—
not as something to be admired,
but as something to be held,
to be known,
to be loved without condition.
I am not a passing thought to you.
I am not a phase,
not a fleeting inspiration,
not a firework that is beautiful
only in its vanishing.
I am real,
and you know it.
And because of that,
I am safe here.
I am home.
With you.
š xoxo Catherine
If you want to love again, but you are still struggling to forgive and love yourself, contact me. I can help.
I've been through heartbreak and loss. This journey from healing to love has been a long and winding road for me through darkness and light and back into the underworld again. I know the way out and into the arms of love.
Book a call with me and find out why healing and aligning your energy to the kind of partner and relationship you desire is essential for having the love you deserve, crave, and live for...
Apply Here for a Consultation Call with Catherine
When you heal and love yourself, you will be amazed how many people want to be in your energy. You will be told that you have beautiful energy because that is the first thing they will see in you.
You will attract more of what you do want and repel what you don't want.
Don't wait another day to live your life fully loving who you truly are š
Don't wait another moment to live without the warm embrace of your soulmate.
I promise you that love is within you and all around you once you can let go of all that isn't you.
xoxo love, Catherine
The Love Priestess
© 2025 Catherine Josephine. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited
Purchase "Before You Say I Do: Transform Your Love Life From Within by Catherine Josephine
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